Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend fun

This was my weekend off but was able to get off early on Saturday so I could take my kids on a hay rack ride. Thanks to Carrie for inviting us. The kids had a really a good time. They got to roast their own hot dogs which I think they loved. Then they took us on a Hayrack ride which was fun and wasn't very cold out which was nice. Then we went home and I went to sleep and got woke up by my husband having to leave, my stepdaughter lives down the street and someone was trying to break into her house. Luckily the cops came and scared the person away. Also on Saturday was homecoming and I missed out but here are a couple of pictures of her in her dress.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yesterday we went to the West Burlington homecoming parade. Emilee got to be in the parade with her Brownie troop I think they all had fun. Then tonite is football game and then the dance tomorrow night. Just so much going on and not enough time to do anything else. Had my Daisy yesterday and we had a blast ended up with 4 extra girls which was fun so now we are going to have about 12 Daisy. Quite a few girls but will be lots of fun, thanks goodness I have help.